Did you know that there is a handbag that ranges from $11,900 USD to $300,000 USD - and not only that - if you have the pocketbook to foot that bill, you may still be on a waiting list for a few years before showing off your new Birkin bag?!
Axovia | 20 Jan 2020
How does SEO change in 2021 after Google's Core Update?
We review how SEO work changed after Google's Core Update in December 2020.
Ulises Silva | 11 Feb 2021
Intelligent reporting in the hospitality industry with Data Studio
Did you know that the report is a key piece of your work, no matter what sector your company or business is aimed at, it will always be necessary to have a tool that allows you to establish the results of your kpi's?
Axovia | 20 Nov 2022