Did you know that there is a handbag that ranges from $11,900 USD to $300,000 USD - and not only that - if you have the pocketbook to foot that bill, you may still be on a waiting list for a few years before showing off your new Birkin bag?!
Axovia | 20 Jan 2020
Communication and hotel identity
We know that in the world of hospitality there is a lot of competition: a big variety of options of different categories and styles fight throughout the year to win the attention of those looking for a place to stay, about for a weekend or a season.
Axovia | 14 Oct 2022
What is SEO and how will it help me to position my hotel's website?
If you are looking for how to increase the visibility of your hotel, or to put it more simply, how to make my hotel appear in Google?
Axovia | 16 Nov 2022